Feeling Purpose – first dance show since the shift in the world

Hey Everybody! It’s Maddyyyyy!

It has been a strange year to say the least! Firstly, I want to send love to all those that have lost loved ones during this pandemic. I also know so many who have lost their businesses and have had to put their dreams and passions aside as a result of these trying times. It has been a heart breaking and stressful time for the collective. 

I have so much gratitude for the life I had previous to the pandemic, I think at times I took it for granted and didn’t see the full beauty of it all. I miss the long road trips, hotel life, festivals, conferences, gatherings, ceremonies, mixers, I just miss it all! 

When it was confirmed that I would be part of a 3 week project for my friend Tai Grauman, I felt anxious to be feeling excited because at any second it could all fall apart and we could face renewed restrictions (for the safety of the collective) but my heart was so excited to know I was going to be creating with other artists for 3 weeks!

When the day came to travel to Caravan Theatre I was filled with anxiety and fear. I felt scared to be around so many people, and I also had a sense that I was doing something wrong after so many months of being told not to gather. When I got to Caravan it took me a few days to adjust to the community of amazing people. I wasn’t used to being away from home, but once I adjusted I was all in!

To say the artists were excited would be a big understatement! We rehearsed in the heat and the smoke, this was at the beginning of the forest fires that have ravaged the Interior of B.C. this summer. We had no idea what was to come the following month, but we were on a high and extremely happy. Our days were filled with laughter, tears, good food and swimming, I don’t think I had ever swam that much in the span of 2 weeks in my life, it was so rejuvenating!

I had a taste of the life I have missed so much! Being on the open road travelling to Metis Communities to share the energy of such a beautiful story created by Tai, I couldn’t help but smile from my whole being as we danced on the land. 

I felt a creative energy shift within me that reminded me of my purpose. More than ever, I trust where Creator guides me. I am ready for the flow and abundance of creative magic!!!!!

A note for you:

You are a beautiful gift created to be unique, and I can’t wait to see your magic manifest!



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